this is the year we put the Community first


this is the year we put the Community first

we have a whole plan to put the community front and center
We get it, in recent years we've neglected the community a bit-in 2023 we'll focus 100% on you once again!
This is how we gonna do it:
Hire a Community Manager
First thing we'll hire a dedicated Community Manager to support and assist the Precious Plastic community on our digital platforms.


Community care ♡

Extra support
Open Source Database
We'll continue building the largest, user generated, open source, database for recycling solutions. And this time with the community. Expect dozens of new How-tos to help you improve your recycling activities.


More machines

More moulds

More techniques
Grow the Bazar
We will continue to invest in the Bazar hiring more people, introducing much need new features and continue ever-present bugfixing. We aim to double revenue in 2023.


Grow business for machine builders

Help more people start recycling
Track your impact
We will help you track your positive impact on the ground to use it in your business and share with the world all the incredible work from the Precious Plastic community.


Use data for your business/NGO

Show global Precious Plastic impact
Success stories on Youtube
We will produce and release 52 videos on our new Youtube channel about the most successful Precious Plastic workspaces and organizations around the world.


Promote workspaces

Share best practices

Inspire new recyclers
Improve Community Platform software
We will continue to invest time and resources in the Community Platform to bring the best possible experience for all of your recyclers out there.


Improve map

Improve How-tos